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About our ACT & SAT Test Preparation Opportunities

All current 9th and 10th graders take the Pre-ACT test. Designed for 10th graders, this test offers valuable exposure and practice with a test format that matches that of the ACT. More information on that test can be found here:

The PSAT is a test designed for juniors. In fact, only juniors’ scores can qualify for National Merit standing. At SMHS, we give the test to all Juniors and allow interested Freshmen and Sophomores to take the PSAT test – and we especially encourage our honors track students to take advantage of these early testing opportunities. The PSAT test is very different from the ACT, and students need early exposure. The PSAT test is offered to freshmen who are interested in taking this advanced test.

Incoming 9th graders take the PreACT 8/9 test in December of their 8th grade year as part of the admissions process. Those test results, along with previous years’ scores on tests like the Terra Nova and the Aspire series, are used by the Admissions Committee as part of the candidate’s application file.

About the Application Process

Offers of admission from schools of first choice will be mailed in February of 2023. 

Notification from schools of second or third choice regarding completion of their application process will be sent in February.

If a student receives a letter from his or her school of second or third choice requesting completion of the application process, he or she will not receive an offer of admission from the school of first choice. In this case, the school of first choice will follow up with a letter to such applicants. These letters will be mailed February.

If a student will not receive an offer of admission from any school, a letter from the school of first choice will be sent by February 2023. Included in this letter will be an explanation that the application was reviewed by the schools of second and third choice, and that admission is not available in any of the schools.

1.) Visit our website at
2.) Under the “Admissions” tab on our homepage, click on “Apply Now” and click on the link
3.) First time users will need to create an account by registering an email address. If you have already created an account for a sibling, there is no need to create a new account. You may use your previous account for additional applicants.
4.) In order for the online application to be complete, you will need to answer all sections, upload a recent student photo, and pay the $65.00 application/testing fee online.

No. One application should be sent to the high school of first choice. The second and third choices are indicated on the online application. The application will be forwarded to the next school(s) as needed.

The Placement Test is taken at the high school of first choice in early December. Results will be forwarded to other schools as needed.

The PreACT 8/9 Test is ACT’s (American College Test) comprehensive assessment program for students entering high school. It provides information about a child’s level of preparation in English, mathematics, science, and reading along with details about his/her interests, needs, and plans.

Yes. In order to correctly assess a student’s academic achievement and make appropriate recommendations for placement, it is necessary to test all incoming freshmen students in December of their 8th grade year.

The Placement Test results (along with report card grades, earlier standardized test scores, and the recommendation of the elementary school principal) are used to schedule students into appropriate levels and courses for the ninth grade.

The Principal of St. Michael High School shall appoint an Admission Committee comprised of members of the faculty and professional staff. The committee shall review the records of all applications for admission selecting students based on their current principal’s recommendation, structured interview of parent/guardian and student, standardized test scores, grades, conduct, absenteeism, other educational needs, and the attestation of the pastor (where applicable).

Unless the Admission Committee articulates a professionally based opinion for declining to admit an applicant, the priority of admissions shall be as follows:

A. Catholic siblings of students in the school, of parents who are involved in the ministry of their church parishes as attested by their pastor, and who attend Catholic elementary schools,

B. Catholic children of parents who are involved in the ministry of their church parishes as attested by their pastor, and who attend Catholic elementary schools.

C. Catholic siblings of students in the school, of parents who are involved in the ministry of their church parishes as attested by their pastor, and who attend non-Catholic elementary schools,

D. Catholic children of parents who are involved in the ministry of their church parishes as attested by their pastor, and who attend non-Catholic elementary schools,

E. Non-Catholic children who attend Catholic elementary schools, and

F. Non-Catholic children who attend non-Catholic elementary schools.

St. Michael High School admits all qualified students regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin. The admission policy of St. Michael High School prohibits discrimination in accordance with Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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