About Theology at St. Michael
Theology courses are St. Michael are formatted to instruct students spiritually, morally, and intellectually. Classes cover Scripture, morality, and the body.
Religion I: Sacred Scripture
Prerequisite: None
Semester I – Jesus Christ- God’s Revelation to the World
This course gives students a general knowledge and appreciation of Sacred Scripture through which they encounter Jesus by studying both the Old and New Testament key figures, events and doctrine.
Semester II – Jesus Christ- His Mission and Ministry
This course deepens the study of Jesus, highlighting key events in Jesus’ earthly ministry while understanding His teachings about God the Father, the Trinity, Mary and the Holy Spirit.
Religion II : The Catholic Church and Sacraments
Prerequisite: Religion I
Semester I – Jesus Christ – Source of Our Salvation
This course focuses on the Life, Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Students will understand the meaning of God’s sacred and mysterious plan from creation onward to the consequences of the fall and the promise of a Savior.
Semester II – Jesus and the Church – One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
This course helps students deepen their understanding of Jesus Christ, the fullness of God’s Revelation, as they encounter Him in the living Body of Christ, the Catholic Church. This course places the foundations of the Church in their historical and scriptural context. It guides students to more actively participate in the living Body of Christ and serve as witnesses to the sacred Gospel in the world today.
Part of this course includes the Theology of the Body unit – taught one 9 week weeks. Theology of the Body is St. John Paul II’s first major teaching project as Pope. It is a grand proposal to the world of the deepest meaning of life and love made visible in the human body. Theology of the Body teaches that God wants us to know Him through our humanity: our sexuality, our relationships, our joys and our struggles. This program teaches a sense of reverence, respect, and dignity for oneself and others. It instills confidence in one’s ability to live life as a gift of God to the world
Religion III: Church History
Prerequisite: Religion II
Description: This year-long course is a traditional chronological look at Church history. This text explores the Church as a mystery that reveals the hidden presence of God. It uncovers glimpses of this mystery from the Church’s earliest roots in the original covenants made between God and Israel, through its institution by Christ, and onward in human history from the apostolic age to present. This course is a comprehensive and faith-filled portrait of two thousand years of Catholic history that highlights important events, people, trends, and teachings.
Religion IV: Catholic Morality
Prerequisite: Religion III
Description: This course explores more advanced theological concepts of the Catholic faith. Students will examine how to build a foundation for a moral life through the study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, along with other major church documents.
Leadership and Faith – CP
.5 Credit (still a full-year course)
Level: College Prep
Grade Level: 12
Description: This is a half-credit, full year course where students will form their spiritual lives and hone skills in order to become leaders in their faith both on and off campus. In conjunction with the Peer Ministry Club, students will form practical skills such as communication, small group dynamics and witness giving in order for them to be a better, active, visible leader.