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About Social Studies at St. Michael 

The St. Michael social studies department concentrates on the development of historical critical thinking skills in students such as chronological reasoning, constructing historical arguments, comparing and contextualizing offering courses in: Government, World History, US History, Psychology and Sociology, and African American Studies with opportunities to take Honors, Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment in these courses. 

Government – CP  

Level: College Prep 
Grade Level: 9 
Prerequisite: Department Placement Criteria  
Description: This course is a comprehensive study of government in the United States, focusing on the functions of federal, state, and local governments. Emphasis is placed on the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and Free Enterprise. 

Government – Honors  

Level: Honors 
Grade Level: 9 
Prerequisite: Department Placement Criteria  
Description: This course offers a comprehensive study of United States government, focusing on the functions of federal, state, and local governments.  Emphasis is placed on America's founding documents, political ideologies, and economic systems, examining each within the context of Catholic social teaching.  

World History – CP 

Level: College Prep 
Grade Level: 10 
Prerequisite: Government or Government Honors. 
Description: This course is a survey of the chronological history of the world from the earliest civilizations to the present civilization. The focus of the course is on development of civilization in different parts of the world with special emphasis on relationships of the past to the present. Topics include political changes, economic development, the influence of geography on cultures, and the growth of science and technology. 

World History – Honors 

Level: Honors 
Grade Level: 10 
Prerequisite: Government or Government Honors and Government and English teacher recommendations. 
Description: The content of this course is similar to college prep World History with emphasis on abstract thinking, critical analysis, in depth research, extensive reading and vocabulary. This course is designed for the serious college-bound student, or any student preparing to take an advanced placement social studies class. This course is a survey of the chronological history of the world from the earliest civilizations to the present civilization. The focus of the course is on development of civilization in different parts of the world with special emphasis on relationships of the past to the present. Topics include political changes, economic development, the influence of geography on cultures, and the growth of science and technology. 

U.S. History – CP 

Level: College Prep 
Grade Level: 11 
Prerequisite: Government CP or Honors and World History CP or Honors. 
Description: This course is designed to give a detailed account of the growth of the American nation. Topics include the formation of the American government and its founding fathers, America’s role in domestic and international economics, American foreign policy, and the growth of the democratic system from the original 13 colonies to the present. 

U.S. History – AP/DE 

Level: Advanced Placement/Dual Enrollment 
Grade Level: 11 
Prerequisite: Government CP or Honors, World History CP or Honors, and Social Studies and English teacher recommendations. 
Description: This course is a college level course in American History and replaces American History Honors. College texts and materials are used to prepare the student for the College Board Advanced Placement examination. The course engages the student in historical analysis, studying materials and their relevance to a given problem, reliability, and importance. Material covers the formation of the American government and its founding fathers, America’s role in domestic and international economics, American foreign policy, and the growth of the democratic system from the original Thirteen Colonies to the present. Achievement of the required score on the AP Examination or a ‘C’ or better in DE earns college credit for the student. 

European History – AP 

Level: Advanced Placement 
Grade Level: 12 
Prerequisite: Government CP or Honors, World History CP or Honors, US History CP or AP/DE, and Social Studies and English teacher recommendations. 
Description: This course is a college level course in European History from 1450 – present. College texts and materials are used. The course will explore the record of the “human experience” struggle and progress, showing both continuity and change in the history of Europe and its impact on the world community. In addition to providing a basic exposure to the factual narrative the goals of the course are to develop an understanding of some of the principal themes in European history, an ability to analyze historical evidence and an ability to demonstrate that understanding and analysis through the development of independent research projects, oral presentations, and various written assignments. Achievement of the required score on the AP Examination earns college credit for the student. 

Sociology – CP 

Level: College Prep 
Grade Level: 11 – 12 
Prerequisite: Government CP or Honors, World History CP or Honors, and US History CP or AP/DE 
Description: Sociology is the study of human group behaviors. The focus of the course is on the action, reaction, and interaction of people within groups. The goal of this course is to provide the student with a basic understanding of society and the process of socialization. Units include family life, the stages of life, social structures, the process of socialization, and social problems. This course can be taken in conjunction with or independent of Psychology. 

Psychology – CP 

Level: College Prep 
Grade Level: 11 – 12 
Prerequisite: Government CP or Honors, World History CP or Honors, and US History CP or AP/DE 
Description: Psychology is the study of the mind. The focus of this course is on the mental processes and states of humans. It is an introduction to the understanding, prediction, and control of human behavior. Units include the schools of psychology, developmental processes across the life span, and the dynamics of personalities and abnormalities. This course can be taken in conjunction with or independent of Sociology. 

African American Studies  

Level: College Prep  
Grade Level: 11 - 12  
Prerequisite: Government CP or Honors, World History CP or Honors, and enrolled in or completed US History CP or US History AP/DE 
Description: This course offers a detailed account of the cultural, literary, artistic, economic, and ideological history of African Americans.  The course affords students an understanding of the struggles and triumphs of African Americans.  In this class, students develop the ability to analyze and interpret historical evidence, familiarity with historiographical debates, and the skills requisite to express historical reasoning in writing.  This course is designed to help students hone their academic skills and emotional intelligence.  It provides the tools necessary to promote racial justice and the common good in our representative democracy.   

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