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St. Michael Juniors Reflect During Retreat

April 07, 2022
By St. Michael High School

St. Michael juniors enjoyed a day of reflection, renewal and prayer on campus during their retreat on Tuesday. The day’s theme “Serve like Christ,” allowed the soon-to-be seniors on campus to contemplate the importance of acting as role models with courage and compassion.

Juniors had the chance to observe multiple speakers, work creatively, and play games. Girls and boys also attended extended breakout sessions to explore calls to serve in future vocations. At the end of the day students gathered for Eucharistic Adoration together as a class in the St. Michael gym and to listen to a powerful witness by Matthew Pineda from the Louisiana Parole Project.

“Our juniors are the future leaders of the school,” shares St. Michael campus minister Emily Froeba. “It is important that they had this time together to bond as a class as well as reflect on the meaning of service to others in the community and service to each other at school. Serving like Christ is something that we reiterate but do not always stop to really contemplate what it looks like in daily life.”

Junior Miranda Martone who is part of the liturgy choir and peer ministry as well as the BETA and Spanish clubs says the retreat provided some much-needed renewal for her and her peers. “The retreat was super impactful to me. What I enjoyed most was watching the documentary Outcasts which highlighted the life of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and showed us the work they do in their service to Christ,” she explains.

Junior Makayla Bonanno said that retreats are an important aspect of Catholic schools because it brings everyone together with the goal of becoming closer to each other and to God. “My favorite part was hearing the different speakers. Their stories were meaningful because they shared their struggles with us,” she shares. “Having retreats are important because the time together reminds us that life is bigger than the individual. School retreats always help us to consider other people in our thoughts and give us the opportunity to see that it is important to love each other the way Christ loves us.”

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