Sophomores Enjoy Retreat Time with Classmates
St. Michael sophomores spent a day in retreat this week at St. John the Evangelist in Prairieville. The day’s theme of “Persevere,” inspired by Romans 12-12, speaks on persevering in prayer and focused on the charism of “fides,” or living the faith.
Students explored their relationship with God and their personal prayer life through reflections and activities. They also delved into the various ways to pray including reading the scripture, using the rosary, participating in adoration, and sitting in silence with their intentions for God. After opening activities, sophomores participated in small group workshops, followed by Mass.
“We focused on the importance of why we pray and explored exactly what prayer means to each individual,” shares campus minister Emily Froeba. “We went deep into the idea of prayer being fundamental to faith and driven by the relationship you build with God. It was great to see our students come alive not only during this time together outside of the classroom but also within God’s presence through prayer.”
Sophomore Katie Belle Klumpp says that she enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about prayer with her classmates. “I was able to think outside the box about my prayer life. This allowed me to reflect on how I connect with God and gave me different tools to use when I do want to talk to Him,” she shares.
Sophomores Scott Ledet and Justin Thornhill both agree that retreats are an important aspect of Catholic schools because it allows them to become closer to God and closer to their classmates. “Retreats help you grow as a person and in your faith life,” mentions Justin. “You have a fleeting opportunity to become closer to your teachers and your friends in high school, so having a retreat allows for that bonding experience. It was also interesting to learn more about the different ways that we can connect to God in prayer,” Scott says in closing.