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SMHS 2022 Valedictorian and Salutatorian

May 19, 2022
By St. Michael High School

How did it feel to find out that you were named valedictorian/ salutatorian?

Caroline: “It was definitely overwhelming, but so fulfilling. I have worked so hard for the past four years and to see it all pay off in the most rewarding honor possible was a dream come true. I truly could not be more thankful.”

James: “I felt relieved to hear it officially. I knew I had been in the running for it since the end of my junior year, so to hear the official news this year was such a joy and relief. All my hard work has paid off.”

What would you say has been the biggest blessing or steppingstone for you during your high school experience?

Caroline: “The biggest blessing by far was the unending help and support from my teachers, both academically and outside of the classroom. They constantly pushed me to put forth my best effort in all of my work, and it really helped me as a student. Looking back, I cannot believe the knowledge I have gained throughout my time at St. Michael High School.”

James: “My biggest blessing during my high school experience has been my older sister, Charlotte. She is one year ahead of me, so anything I went through during my time in high school, she was there to help and give advice.”

What will you miss most about St. Michael High School?

Caroline: “I will miss so many things about SMHS, but the one I will miss most is the little family that was created in my honors/AP classes. We had such a close bond from spending so much time together. The memories I made in those classes with my best friends are irreplaceable.”

James: “I will miss all the sports teams I was a part of for sure. I will also miss my friends in my classes, as well as some of my teachers.”

Advice for future Warriors?

Caroline: “Do not be afraid to make a name for yourself and truly put yourself out there. Going in as a freshman, I never expected myself to be so involved, but it turned out to be a huge blessing. I was able to surround myself with like-minded, driven people who supported me with love and friendship.”

James: “Enjoy high school but also push yourself to do your best because all of your hard work will pay off.”

College and career plans?

Caroline: “I am majoring in Biological Sciences at LSU Honors College in the fall in hopes of attending medical school. I am passionate about biology and would love to pursue a career as a pathologist!”

James: “I will be attending LSU and majoring in Biological Engineering with the intent of going to medical school to become a physician.”