Freshmen Attend First St. Michael High School Retreat
St. Michael freshmen spent a day in retreat last week at St. John the Evangelist Church.
With planning by campus ministers and help from SMHS seniors, freshmen learned about “Becoming a Warrior for Christ” by focusing on the St. Michael charisms of Veritas, Fides, and Ministerium.
Students explored the true meaning of St. Michael’s charisms and their personal faith through reflection, small group work, and activities like scavenger hunts. Freshmen also had the opportunity to attend mass and adoration, as well as receive a personal scapular from senior students.
Campus minister Emily Froeba said the freshmen enjoyed their time together learning about prayer and discussing the different ways to grow in faith. “We created the day around wanting our freshman Warriors to have a ton of fun during their first retreat,” she shares. “I saw them grow together as a class and in their faith as well.”
Sister Heart of Jesus, who also attended, said that retreats allow students to step out of their ordinary schedule and encounter the Lord. "Sometimes, that time to be available is all they need to hear His voice more deeply and have their lives begin to be transformed. The fruits of these retreats are something we may never see, but the seeds are planted and that is one of the reasons why they are such an important part of a student’s formation," she explains.
Freshman Charles Dardis says he felt closer to God and his classmates after the retreat. “We learned what it means to be a Warrior and we learned what St Michael’s school code really looks like,” he says. “I felt like this retreat helped me to foster my identity in Christ as well as get to know my classmates a little better. One of the best parts was hearing Deacon Michael Parker speak to the boys.”
Caroline Gremillion says that the retreat was a fantastic experience. “Having days like this allows us to grow closer to our classmates and in our relationship with God. The best part was the ‘Warrior Princess’ talk that encouraged us to be ourselves and reminded us that we are all made in God’s image,” she explains.
Kendyl Edwards agrees that the retreat was a special experience as a freshman and that the best part was the inspirational talk. “When Mrs. Froeba spoke to the girls it had a big impact on everyone. She touched on role models in the Catholic community and encouraged us to be ourselves in a world that has a bunch of opinions of how we 'should be,'” she shares. “After that, we put on face paint to signify our inner Warrior.”
The retreat ended with reflection and adoration.